WJIC Media Ministries was founded in September 2015 by Pastor Cedric and Alicia Barnett and is a registered non-profit ministry in the State of Alabama. The mission of WJIC Media Ministries is to spread the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and Jesus Christ via the means of Internet, social media, and broadcast media. OUR FOUNDATIONAL VERSES Our foundational verses are Isaiah 43:19a (“Behold, I AM doing a NEW thing; NOW it shall spring forth, shall you not know it?”) and Mark 16:15 (“Go into ALL the world, and preach the Good News to ALL creation.”)

Our Logo

OUR ORIGINAL LOGO (pictured above and registered trademark in the State of Alabama,) was designed by Mrs. Patrice Ware Tankersley, and is the symbol of a microphone being supported by the cross of Christ. The purple cross represents the royalty and Lordship of Christ, and supports the blue microphone, where blue is the color that represents the Spirit of God. The microphone stand, as well as the microphone trim, are in gold, representing the prosperity of the Kingdom of God, as well as the richness of God’s grace toward us.

Our updated digital logo was designed by a Birmingham Promise intern working with eManuel Business Solutions. It incorporates all of the elements of the original logo while using a format that is more suitable for online platforms.


WJIC: “Where Jesus is CHRIST, where Jesus is Cool, but WHERE JESUS ISN’T COMPROMISED!!!” The WJIC Network, a division of WJIC Media Ministries of Prattville, AL, is the flagship station of the ministry. It started its 24-hour live stream on April 1, 2016 and has been spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God since that time.